- Radius 1 - poloměr oblouku nebo kružnice definující spodní plochu
- Radius 2 - poloměr oblouku nebo kružnice definující vrchní plochu
- Výška - výška kuželu
- Úhel - počet stupňů oblouku nebo kružnice definující horní a dolní plochu komolého kuželu. Defaultních 360 stupňů vytváří kruhovou plochu, menší hodnota vytvoří část kuželu definovoanou horní a dolní plochou s okraji definovanými obloukem o velikosti dané úhlem a oběma poloměry.
See also: Property editor.
A Part Cone object is derived from a Part Feature object and inherits all its properties. It also has the following additional properties:
The object has the same attachment properties as a Part Part2DObject.
- ÚdajeRadius1 (
Length ): The radius of the bottom face of the cone. Can be 0mm if ÚdajeRadius2 is larger than 0mm . The default is 2mm .
- ÚdajeRadius2 (
Length ): The radius of the top face of the cone. Can be 0mm if ÚdajeRadius1 is larger than 0mm . The default is 4mm .
- ÚdajeHeight (
Length ): The height of the cone. The default is 10mm .
- ÚdajeAngle (
Angle ): The angle of the circular arc that defines the top and bottom face of the cone. Valid range: 0° < value <= 360° . The default is 360° . If it is smaller than 360° the resulting solid will be a segment of a cone.
See also: Autogenerated API documentation, Part scripting and FreeCAD Scripting Basics.
A Part Cone can be created with the addObject() method of the document:
cone = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.addObject("Part::Cone", "myCone")
- Where
"myCone" is the name for the object.
- The function returns the newly created object.
import FreeCAD as App
doc = App.activeDocument()
cone = doc.addObject("Part::Cone", "myCone")
cone.Radius1 = 5
cone.Radius2 = 10
cone.Height = 50
cone.Angle = 270
cone.Placement = App.Placement(App.Vector(1, 2, 3), App.Rotation(30, 60, 15))
- Creation and modification: Create sketch, Extrude, Revolve, Mirror, Scale, Fillet, Chamfer, Make face from wires, Ruled Surface, Loft, Sweep, Section, Cross sections, 3D Offset, 2D Offset, Thickness, Projection on surface, Color per face
- Boolean: Make compound, Explode compound, Compound Filter, Boolean, Cut, Union, Intersection, Connect objects, Embed object, Cutout for object, Boolean fragments, Slice apart, Slice to compound, Boolean XOR, Check geometry, Defeaturing
- Other tools: Import CAD file, Export CAD file, Box selection, Create shape from mesh, Create points object from geometry, Convert to solid, Reverse shapes, Create simple copy, Create transformed copy, Create shape element copy, Refine shape, Attachment
User documentation
- Getting started
- Installation: Download, Windows, Linux, Mac, Additional components, Docker, AppImage, Ubuntu Snap
- Basics: About FreeCAD, Interface, Mouse navigation, Selection methods, Object name, Preferences, Workbenches, Document structure, Properties, Help FreeCAD, Donate
- Help: Tutorials, Video tutorials
- Workbenches: Std Base, Assembly, BIM, CAM, Draft, FEM, Inspection, Material, Mesh, OpenSCAD, Part, PartDesign, Points, Reverse Engineering, Robot, Sketcher, Spreadsheet, Surface, TechDraw, Test Framework